Outplacement services that gets you back in!


Career transition processes sets us apart from other consulting firms

New Beginning’s outplacement services focuses on more than just a job search for our clients. New Beginning's unique and client centered counseling approach to career transition sets us apart from other consulting firms. Most competent outplacement firms can assist in producing an impressive resume; we all understand that what’s on paper must bring value. At New beginnings we address all the issues that are a part of any major life change. Financial, personal, emotional and family issues, if not addressed, can interfere with momentum, derail the process, severely limit a successful job search and create the potential for future career dissatisfaction. Outplacement and Career Transition Counseling process provides an affirmative and proactive approach to organizational change that provides success for all parties. It is a no-lose proposition for the organization that is separating employees, for those charged with the task, and for the people being separated.

Organizations using New Beginning's time tested and innovative approach to outplacement find that our expertise brings actual savings in finances, reputation, and business relationships as well as the preservation of company morale, good will and confidences.

Our clients are more than a number to us. New Beginning's has provided expert career transition services for over three decades and understands that a "one size fits all" approach doesn't serve the needs of the organization, nor those of the separating individuals. All separating employees at all levels deserve cost effective career transition services, provided either face to face or virtually. Successful results are only accomplished when each separating employee is considered to be an individual, regardless of the level and type of service that they are being provided. Regardless of the delivery method, all individuals are given resources that fit their needs and prepare them for the future. New Beginning's offers a variety of programs and services targeted for a number of situations, all designed to ensure success. Time tested and flexible support for the organization that is separating employees:

  • Turnkey project management with single point of contact
  • Unlimited strategic planning consultation for one outplacement or for groups of any size
  • Outplacement checklist to cover all eventualities
  • Planning of rationale statement for individual or group outplacement
  • Development of master schedule
  • Assistance in staging notification
  • Development of "Plan B" that covers unexpected situations
  • Training to prepare notifies, provided both online and face to face
  • Individually tailored programs for onsite or virtual intake meetings
  • Counselor attendance for all notification meetings
  • Diffusing potential problems during and after the notification process
  • End of day reports regarding intake meetings until all are completed
  • Online and/or hard copy client activity reports
  • Online client materials, connections and job search assistance programs
  • Proactive programs that meet the specific needs of separating employees:
  • Unlimited counseling
  • Virtual and on location sessions
  • Career transition centers or conveniently located
  • Full online capabilities to increase connections and locate opportunities
  • Resume and Curriculum Vitae preparation and modifications
  • Stress and trauma counseling
  • Assessments to evaluate marketable strengths
  • Determination of communication style for interviewing success
  • Development of potential career areas for employment
  • Establishment of realistic career options, including self employment
  • Development and execution of marketing plans
  • Effective utilization of recruiters to complement the job search
  • Spouse involvement
  • Financial planning
  • Tools for professional development
  • Continuing analysis of the networking and interviewing processes
  • Help with evaluation and negotiation of offers
  • Continuing assistance in the new position
  • Individual Outplacement

Career Directions’ outplacement programs support both employers and employees in making the separation process as productive and painless as possible. Our client organizations take pride in the services we provide and are worry-free about wrongful discharge litigation. We offer employers layoff and facility closing consultation designed to increase the effectiveness of the organization and its employees during transition. While all of our outplacement programs will be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization and the skill sets of those who seek new employment, we provide these core programs as models of what your organization might choose to put in place. Other specialized components, such as our retirement planning program, can be added as appropriate.