Business Services


Business Development Services and Workforce Strategies

New Beginning’s focuses on assisting organizations maximize performance, promote job satisfaction and increase productivity. Our breadth of experience with a wide range of issues allows us to offer efficient and innovative solutions to difficult challenges. Our business services will develop a go-to-market plan to fit your business needs. We are proud to provide expert, reliable, affordable and relevant workforce solutions. New Beginning provides customizable services to meet your every need.

The little goals are as important as the big ones. New Beginning’s focuses on assisting organizations maximize performance, promote job satisfaction and increase productivity. Our breadth of experience with a wide range of issues allows us to offer efficient and innovative solutions to difficult challenges. Our business services will develop a go-to-market plan to fit your business needs. We are proud to provide expert, reliable, affordable and relevant workforce solutions. New Beginning provides customizable services to meet your every need. Companies face several challenges as they attempt to manage their workforces as strategic assets. Basically, most individuals fall into a rhythm as they carry out their daily tasks a rhythm that is comfortable, non-threatening and one that generally produces "acceptable" results. New Beginning understands that breaking the mold and reevaluating current workforce strategies in preparation for change is a challenge that appears daunting, particularly to those in charge. Ironically, while reasoned, strategic change which moves the organization forward is feared most by individuals in organizations that are not performing as expected, it is precisely these organizations that must look at their current practices. The benefits of a new approach evolve at a steady pace until the organization reaches its full potential. However, the benefits of improving organization performance, increasing employee productivity, and providing the framework for consistent strategic success far outweigh the obstacles.

We build Workforce Strategies a good understanding to hire the best, deploy and utilize employees as strategic assets is at the core of high performing companies. New Beginning’s consults with line and HR managers to improve the time allotment equation between employees who are good performers and those who are poor performers. Specifically, New Beginning’s goal to work with these managers to adjust their perception of positions within the organization and of the employees who fill these positions. When all jobs, and therefore all employees, are treated equally, the organization is under-investing in high return positions and the employees who hold these positions, and is over-investing in low return positions and the employees who hold these positions. This error is compounded when employees in low return positions are also poor performers.

Time spent counseling and "working around" poor performers needs to be rationed carefully. Individuals who should not have been hired in the first place, or who have ceased to be productive, should receive assistance based on clearly defined expectations and established time lines for improvement. Should expected goals not be reached within the established time frame, more time expended will be wasted time. New Beginning’s has developed experience in assisting the low performing individual, the line manager, the HR people who are involved, leadership, and the organization as a whole to apply appropriate solutions which allow all parties to move forward positively and effectively. Another costly error that is common is for HR to remove itself from strategic planning and place itself solely in the position of employee development by taking on a great deal of the responsibility for employee success. A cohesive workforce strategy which supplies resources and remedies that support HR allows individuals in this function to think "globally" and ensure that their daily tasks concentrate their energies on the big picture, rather than forcing them to work in the trenches, working on the same problems over and over.